Employee Value Proposition – What it is?
What you will promise as an employer to attract candidates and maintain the engagement of your employees. (Ali Ayaz – “Secret formulas for an authentic employer brand”)
EVP means REALITY. No exaggerations, fake promises or wannabe image are allowed.
Reading Ali Ayaz’s book “Secret formulas for an authentic employer brand”, I really liked the following insight:
“If you ask me what the most important characteristic that differentiates employer brand management from product brand management, my answer would be as follows: In product brand communication you can exaggerate the facts a bit. The ice-cream you eat takes you to an exotic land or your car is so attractive that the traffic turns into a mess because the other drivers cannot take their eyes off it. On the other hand, when it comes to employer brand management, you must relate only to the facts. If the facts you will relate to do not satisfy you, you should first change them, then turn them into promises and communicate them.”
EVP attributes of the most wanted employers in 2017
According to Employer Brand Now research, the most popular EVP attributes for 2017 worldwide are:
- Challenging work
- Friendly environment
- Ethics
For the different industries, there are some interesting trends.
For example, the Banking and Software industries have very similar EVP attributes, which are Innovation, Challenging work, Friendly working environment, Customer focus and Attractive/Creative/Exciting working environment.
In Construction and Civil engineering, the trend is towards Benefits, Responsibility, Respect, Creative and Friendly working environment.
In Auditing, Accounting and Financial services and Public sector EVP includes mainly Challenging work, High level of responsibility, Professional development, Friendly working environment, Supportive leaders and Commitment.
According to LinkedIn Global Recruitment trends report, most candidates focus on career growth. Challenging work and benefits are also some of the main factors in their final decision.
Source: LinkedIn Global Recruitment trends report
Another research also shows the same results – that benefits and growth opportunities are most valued by the employees in 2017. According to Mercer study, there is a shift compared to previous year, when the emphasis was on learning.
If you believe you can promise your candidates these, make sure you include them in your EVP. It’s important that you align your promises with their expectations, as long as you are sure you can deliver on these promises later.
EVP alignment
Employer Brand Now research also shows that EVP in the world most attractive companies is much more related (79%) to their corporate mission/vision and (72%) to their core values and HR Strategy.
“ These leading employers are significantly more likely to have aligned their EVP with the corporate vision, values and HR strategy than other companies. “
The research also give examples of such “purpose-driven” brands that have align and carry the EVP message:
- “Leading the future of beauty” at L’Oreal;
- “Shaping the future of sport” at Adidas;
- “Building a better working world” at Ernst & Young;
- “Building the earth’s most customer-centric company” at Amazon;
- “Connecting the world” at Facebook.
1. Ali Ayaz – Secret formulas for an authentic employer brand
3. Employer brand NOW 2017 research
4. Linkedin Global Recruiting Trend Report 2017
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