The importance of being a branded employer
You will attract high-quality employees consistent with your corporate structure.
You will reduce your recruitment costs. You will become a company recruiting for quality rather than one that recruits to increase the number or fill up the “vacancies”, which is generally the case today.
You will increase corporate productivity and customer loyalty.
You will increase the loyalty of key talents, reducing your turnover-related costs. The knowledge in the company is valuable as long as it is accumulated, transferred, and augmented from generation to generation. Loyalty to the company is, therefore, very important. Employer brand, in return, is important because it is able to ensure loyalty to the company.
Employer Brand Management Project
- Do you know where to start your Employer Brand project?
- Do you have difficulties to tell about the outcomes to the top management?
- Do you know to construct an internal employer brand project team?
You are not alone. 50% of the employer brand projects are called off at some stage of the project for any kind of reason. The reason that we don’t see successful employer brand projects that often is mainly these call offs.
We can help you design and implement an entire employer brand management framework.
Here you can see the project steps and the current projects!
EVP Design / Localization/ Adjustmen
EVP (Employee Value Proposition) design starts with conducting internal and external surveys in order to analyse and clearly define the functional and emotional attributes associated with your company.
If your company has already conducted internal and external researches and have the surveys’ results, we can develop candidate persona and EVP in a couple of days.
If your company has a global EVP and wants to localize it for the region, we can do the localization in a couple of days (if you have the survey results) or in a couple of weeks (after we conduct surveys, meetings, focus groups).
To learn more about EVP design, localization and adjustment,, contact us
Onboarding survey
Option 1. If your company just wants to measure the onboarding process and practices; differences between recruitment and company realities, it can be done once after one month or 45 days.
It is conducted individually with all new recruits.
The results can be reported quarterly/annually for each department or for the company in general.
Option 2. If your company wants to measure both option 1 and new recruit’s engagement level it should be done after 7th, 30th, 90th days.
It is conducted individually with all new recruits.
Leave tendency should be reported on 90th day report if there is an alert.
Do you know that we can measure how likely is that the new recruit leaves the company in the next six months?
Other questions can be reported quarterly/annually.
To learn more about Onboarding survey,, contact us.
Graduate Survey
The Graduate Survey is a multi-country, independent research that measures the attributes of becoming the employer of choice for young talent.
Graduate Survey was conducted in Bulgaria for the first time in 2017.
The outcomes of the research help companies to find out where to develop in their recruitment efforts to attract top talent and benchmark with competitors in the job market.
Graduate Survey 2018 is now distributing to companies that requested detailed report.
If you are an employer, you can contact us and request yours report at
Onboarding Design and Implementation
Onboarding is the integration of the new employees in the organization.
Your company has no onboarding programme? No problem. We can design it. It includes creating the flowchart of onboarding for each department and helping you implement it.
We have great examples of onboarding programmes which are not boring, but customized for the values of the organization, making the new hires feel motivated to stay in the company in the long term.
To learn more about our Onboarding services, contact us.
Engagement survey
Does your employee engagement survey resultcs reflect your organizations’ current situation?
- Does it help to increase employee commitment and organizational performance?
- Can you easily measure the employee experience?
86% of business leaders are concerned about retention and engagement that makes retention and engagement high priority issues. Companies has to shift their surveys from wrong questions into right questions to understand better the elements of an engaging workplace.
To The Top Agency uses Modern Management UK methodology for employee engagement and satisfaction surveys. For over 10 years of experience, Modern Management has built systems to collect meaningful data understanding its connections to company goals. Our analysts then use several tools to make multi-dimensional analysis and study particular issues that will increase engagement and retention.
To learn about our methodology, contact us
Engagement survey
The survey is annual survey among working professionals regarding their employer of choice.
The survey provide the professionals with a new point of view about the job market. It also provides companies with essential information to understand and improve their recruitment.
The first set of questions includes extensive review of the professional background, and the second part is evaluation of their employer of choice. Evaluation includes fields such as: culture, leadership, social responsibilities, products and services, reputation and brand, working environment, development opportunities, career opportunities, remuneration and job security.
The survey ranks the employers in Bulgaria according depending on the total number of points, as the algorithm takes in account the number of people voted for them, their evaluations on the questions as well as the correlation between specific questions, which are found to be correlated using preliminary research and focus groups.
Contact us if you want to learn more about our methodoly.
Hiring Process Design and Implementation
How does the internal and external hiring process work in your company?
We can conduct surveys, analyse the results and design the perfect hiring process for your company, then help you implement it.
We can also revise and redefine the existing hiring process in order to eliminate the existing flaws.
To learn more about our Hiring process services, contact us.
Candidate Experience
Have you every gone through your company’s own recruitment process?
Candidate experience is the job seeker’s impressions of all the interactions during the hiring and onboarding process. Do you know the impact of your negative candidate experience on attracting the high caliber candidates?
The challenges applicants and candidates were facing in the recruiting process, coupled with the frustration recruiters were having with candidate selection, has been a source of conversation for decades, but the discussions all lacked proof of its impact despite their common sense – and we all know what happens when HR and Talent Acquisition budgets are supported with common sense and little else.
At each stage we evaluate what candidates want, what employers doing and how they perform:
- Talent attraction and sourcing
- The application process
- Screening and dispositioning
- Interviewing and selection
- Offer, onboarding, new
Contact us for your candidate experience evaluation.
Candidate Experience
Have you every gone through your company’s own recruitment process?
Candidate experience is the job seeker’s impressions of all the interactions during the hiring and onboarding process. Do you know the impact of your negative candidate experience on attracting the high caliber candidates?
The challenges applicants and candidates were facing in the recruiting process, coupled with the frustration recruiters were having with candidate selection, has been a source of conversation for decades, but the discussions all lacked proof of its impact despite their common sense – and we all know what happens when HR and Talent Acquisition budgets are supported with common sense and little else.
At each stage we evaluate what candidates want, what employers doing and how they perform:
- Talent attraction and sourcing
- The application process
- Screening and dispositioning
- Interviewing and selection
- Offer, onboarding, new
Contact us for your candidate experience evaluation.
Focus Groups:
Focus groups are structured, directed and expressive where people freely speak out their opinion on a given topic, conducted by a trained moderator.
Comparing to quantitative surveys, focus groups are typically spoken, open-ended, relatively broad, and qualitative. They are deep, have more nuance and variety and give the moderator the opportunity to observe nonverbal communications. Therefore, focus groups can get closer to people’s real feelings and thoughts.
The crucial element of focus group is the facilitation.
To meet our moderators, contact us.
Recruitment benchmark:
The purpose of the survey is to understand the recruitment market.
Participating companies can benchmark their recruitment efforts with other companies in recruitment market. They can benchmark against industry average (if we have several companies from the same industry) and/or country average with different size companies.
The survey is annual.
Contact us if you want to participate in the Recruitment benchmark Survey 2019.
Recruitment benchmark
The purpose of the survey is to understand the recruitment market.
Participating companies can benchmark their recruitment efforts with other companies in recruitment market. They can benchmark against industry average (if we have several companies from the same industry) and/or country average with different size companies.
The survey is annual.
Contact us if you want to participate in the Recruitment benchmark Survey 2019.
One to one in-depth interview
In depth interview is a qualitative research tool. They are conducted between a respondent and a trained facilitator on specific matters allowing to gather information in great detail.
There are three fundamental types of in depth interviews: structured, semi-structured and unstructured. The length of interviews varies depending on the topic.
To meet our moderators, contact us
Employer Brand Image survey
The external employer brand image survey is custom-made in cooperation with the employer brand team in the company. We offer a set of relevant questions for the industry and the type of organization, among which the employer can choose the number and type of questions they want to include in the survey. The survey is conducted among the target audience that the company decides is of interest – it can be more general or more specific depending on the purpose of the survey and the needs of the employer. We analyse the results and provide a detailed report, then conduct a meeting with the organization team to discuss the conclusions.
Employer Brand Image survey
The external employer brand image survey is custom-made in cooperation with the employer brand team in the company. We offer a set of relevant questions for the industry and the type of organization, among which the employer can choose the number and type of questions they want to include in the survey. The survey is conducted among the target audience that the company decides is of interest – it can be more general or more specific depending on the purpose of the survey and the needs of the employer. We analyse the results and provide a detailed report, then conduct a meeting with the organization team to discuss the conclusions.
Exit survey/interview:
Exit interviews can bring a lot of value for your company, given the proper timing, the relevant questions.
It is very important who conducts the interview. If this is the direct supervisor, some issue in the past may keep the employee from giving an honest feedback.
If this is the HR department staff, the employee might want to be in touch with them and not want to “burn bridges”.
What we can offer is to act as an independent third party and conduct the interview, so that the employee provides open and honest feedback for their experience in the company, which may be later used as a solid ground for analysis.
To meet our facillitators, contact us.
HR Barometer
HR Barometer is an evaluation of the organization’s HR policies, practices and processes with a focus on key HR department delivery areas. It is a useful tool for organisations committed to best practices in the management and committed to measure the effectiveness of their HR systems, policies and practices.
HR Barometer enables organizations to identify HR strengths, areas for improvement and priority actions which leads to improve business processes and organizational effectiveness.
Why should you join:
- Systematically review HR systems, policies and practices.
- Benchmark your HR capability against best practises.
- Identify data gaps that lead to business performance blind spots and identify priorities for action.
- Tie HR goals to strategic business goals.
- Monitor staff treatment.
HR Barometer is conducted annually.
To learn more about our methodology, contact us.
360° Department evaluation survey (Internal customer satisfaction Survey):
Interrelated functional units form business organizations. For their productivity and efficiency, these functional units or in other words, departments, depend on each other. If one or some departments are underperforming then the entire company is affected. It is not easy to identify underachieving departments.
How do you identify the underperforming departments?
Any department receiving services from other departments is considered the “internal customer.” An internal customer satisfaction survey measures how satisfied internal customers are. This survey measures perceptions and impressions of internal service such as communication, productivity, responsiveness, the structure of the department etc.
To learn more about our methodology, contact us.
Exit survey/interview
Exit interviews can bring a lot of value for your company, given the proper timing, the relevant questions.
It is very important who conducts the interview. If this is the direct supervisor, some issue in the past may keep the employee from giving an honest feedback.
If this is the HR department staff, the employee might want to be in touch with them and not want to “burn bridges”.
What we can offer is to act as an independent third party and conduct the interview, so that the employee provides open and honest feedback for their experience in the company, which may be later used as a solid ground for analysis.
To meet our facillitators, contact us.
→ Employee Behavioural Profile analysis
→ Leadership analysis
Employer Brand Management Project
- Do you know where to start your Employer Brand project?
- Do you have difficulties to tell about the outcomes to the top management?
- Do you know to construct an internal employer brand project team?
You are not alone. 50% of the employer brand projects are called off at some stage of the project for any kind of reason. The reason that we don’t see successful employer brand projects that often is mainly these call offs.
We can help you design and implement an entire employer brand management framework.
Here you can see the project steps and the current projects!
EVP Design / Localization/ Adjustmen
EVP (Employee Value Proposition) design starts with conducting internal and external surveys in order to analyse and clearly define the functional and emotional attributes associated with your company.
If your company has already conducted internal and external researches and have the surveys’ results, we can develop candidate persona and EVP in a couple of days.
If your company has a global EVP and wants to localize it for the region, we can do the localization in a couple of days (if you have the survey results) or in a couple of weeks (after we conduct surveys, meetings, focus groups).
To learn more about EVP design, localization and adjustment,, contact us
Onboarding Design and Implementation
Onboarding is the integration of the new employees in the organization.
Your company has no onboarding programme? No problem. We can design it. It includes creating the flowchart of onboarding for each department and helping you implement it.
We have great examples of onboarding programmes which are not boring, but customized for the values of the organization, making the new hires feel motivated to stay in the company in the long term.
To learn more about our Onboarding services, contact us.
Hiring Process Design and Implementation
How does the internal and external hiring process work in your company?
We can conduct surveys, analyse the results and design the perfect hiring process for your company, then help you implement it.
We can also revise and redefine the existing hiring process in order to eliminate the existing flaws.
To learn more about our Hiring process services, contact us.
Focus Groups
Focus groups are structured, directed and expressive where people freely speak out their opinion on a given topic, conducted by a trained moderator.
Comparing to quantitative surveys, focus groups are typically spoken, open-ended, relatively broad, and qualitative. They are deep, have more nuance and variety and give the moderator the opportunity to observe nonverbal communications. Therefore, focus groups can get closer to people’s real feelings and thoughts.
The crucial element of focus group is the facilitation.
To meet our moderators, contact us.
One to one in-depth interview
In depth interview is a qualitative research tool. They are conducted between a respondent and a trained facilitator on specific matters allowing to gather information in great detail.
There are three fundamental types of in depth interviews: structured, semi-structured and unstructured. The length of interviews varies depending on the topic.
To meet our moderators, contact us
Exit survey/interview:
Exit interviews can bring a lot of value for your company, given the proper timing, the relevant questions.
It is very important who conducts the interview. If this is the direct supervisor, some issue in the past may keep the employee from giving an honest feedback.
If this is the HR department staff, the employee might want to be in touch with them and not want to “burn bridges”.
What we can offer is to act as an independent third party and conduct the interview, so that the employee provides open and honest feedback for their experience in the company, which may be later used as a solid ground for analysis.
To meet our facillitators, contact us.
Onboarding survey
Option 1. If your company just wants to measure the onboarding process and practices; differences between recruitment and company realities, it can be done once after one month or 45 days.
It is conducted individually with all new recruits.
The results can be reported quarterly/annually for each department or for the company in general.
Option 2. If your company wants to measure both option 1 and new recruit’s engagement level it should be done after 7th, 30th, 90th days.
It is conducted individually with all new recruits.
Leave tendency should be reported on 90th day report if there is an alert.
Do you know that we can measure how likely is that the new recruit leaves the company in the next six months?
Other questions can be reported quarterly/annually.
To learn more about Onboarding survey,, contact us.
Engagement survey
Does your employee engagement survey resultcs reflect your organizations’ current situation?
- Does it help to increase employee commitment and organizational performance?
- Can you easily measure the employee experience?
86% of business leaders are concerned about retention and engagement that makes retention and engagement high priority issues. Companies has to shift their surveys from wrong questions into right questions to understand better the elements of an engaging workplace.
To The Top Agency uses Modern Management UK methodology for employee engagement and satisfaction surveys. For over 10 years of experience, Modern Management has built systems to collect meaningful data understanding its connections to company goals. Our analysts then use several tools to make multi-dimensional analysis and study particular issues that will increase engagement and retention.
To learn about our methodology, contact us
Candidate Experience
Have you every gone through your company’s own recruitment process?
Candidate experience is the job seeker’s impressions of all the interactions during the hiring and onboarding process. Do you know the impact of your negative candidate experience on attracting the high caliber candidates?
The challenges applicants and candidates were facing in the recruiting process, coupled with the frustration recruiters were having with candidate selection, has been a source of conversation for decades, but the discussions all lacked proof of its impact despite their common sense – and we all know what happens when HR and Talent Acquisition budgets are supported with common sense and little else.
At each stage we evaluate what candidates want, what employers doing and how they perform:
- Talent attraction and sourcing
- The application process
- Screening and dispositioning
- Interviewing and selection
- Offer, onboarding, new
Contact us for your candidate experience evaluation.
Recruitment benchmark:
The purpose of the survey is to understand the recruitment market.
Participating companies can benchmark their recruitment efforts with other companies in recruitment market. They can benchmark against industry average (if we have several companies from the same industry) and/or country average with different size companies.
The survey is annual.
Contact us if you want to participate in the Recruitment benchmark Survey 2019.
Employer Brand Image survey
The external employer brand image survey is custom-made in cooperation with the employer brand team in the company. We offer a set of relevant questions for the industry and the type of organization, among which the employer can choose the number and type of questions they want to include in the survey. The survey is conducted among the target audience that the company decides is of interest – it can be more general or more specific depending on the purpose of the survey and the needs of the employer. We analyse the results and provide a detailed report, then conduct a meeting with the organization team to discuss the conclusions.
HR Barometer
HR Barometer is an evaluation of the organization’s HR policies, practices and processes with a focus on key HR department delivery areas. It is a useful tool for organisations committed to best practices in the management and committed to measure the effectiveness of their HR systems, policies and practices.
HR Barometer enables organizations to identify HR strengths, areas for improvement and priority actions which leads to improve business processes and organizational effectiveness.
Why should you join:
- Systematically review HR systems, policies and practices.
- Benchmark your HR capability against best practises.
- Identify data gaps that lead to business performance blind spots and identify priorities for action.
- Tie HR goals to strategic business goals.
- Monitor staff treatment.
HR Barometer is conducted annually.
To learn more about our methodology, contact us.
360° Department evaluation survey (Internal customer satisfaction Survey):
Interrelated functional units form business organizations. For their productivity and efficiency, these functional units or in other words, departments, depend on each other. If one or some departments are underperforming then the entire company is affected. It is not easy to identify underachieving departments.
How do you identify the underperforming departments?
Any department receiving services from other departments is considered the “internal customer.” An internal customer satisfaction survey measures how satisfied internal customers are. This survey measures perceptions and impressions of internal service such as communication, productivity, responsiveness, the structure of the department etc.
To learn more about our methodology, contact us.
Exit survey/interview
Exit interviews can bring a lot of value for your company, given the proper timing, the relevant questions.
It is very important who conducts the interview. If this is the direct supervisor, some issue in the past may keep the employee from giving an honest feedback.
If this is the HR department staff, the employee might want to be in touch with them and not want to “burn bridges”.
What we can offer is to act as an independent third party and conduct the interview, so that the employee provides open and honest feedback for their experience in the company, which may be later used as a solid ground for analysis.
To meet our facillitators, contact us.
→ Employee Behavioural Profile analysis
→ Leadership analysis
Graduate Survey
The Graduate Survey is a multi-country, independent research that measures the attributes of becoming the employer of choice for young talent.
Graduate Survey was conducted in Bulgaria for the first time in 2017.
The outcomes of the research help companies to find out where to develop in their recruitment efforts to attract top talent and benchmark with competitors in the job market.
Graduate Survey 2018 is now distributing to companies that requested detailed report.
If you are an employer, you can contact us and request yours report at
Employer of Choice
The survey is annual survey among working professionals regarding their employer of choice.
The survey provide the professionals with a new point of view about the job market. It also provides companies with essential information to understand and improve their recruitment.
The first set of questions includes extensive review of the professional background, and the second part is evaluation of their employer of choice. Evaluation includes fields such as: culture, leadership, social responsibilities, products and services, reputation and brand, working environment, development opportunities, career opportunities, remuneration and job security.
The survey ranks the employers in Bulgaria according depending on the total number of points, as the algorithm takes in account the number of people voted for them, their evaluations on the questions as well as the correlation between specific questions, which are found to be correlated using preliminary research and focus groups.
Contact us if you want to learn more about our methodoly.
Candidate Experience
Have you every gone through your company’s own recruitment process?
Candidate experience is the job seeker’s impressions of all the interactions during the hiring and onboarding process. Do you know the impact of your negative candidate experience on attracting the high caliber candidates?
The challenges applicants and candidates were facing in the recruiting process, coupled with the frustration recruiters were having with candidate selection, has been a source of conversation for decades, but the discussions all lacked proof of its impact despite their common sense – and we all know what happens when HR and Talent Acquisition budgets are supported with common sense and little else.
At each stage we evaluate what candidates want, what employers doing and how they perform:
- Talent attraction and sourcing
- The application process
- Screening and dispositioning
- Interviewing and selection
- Offer, onboarding, new
Contact us for your candidate experience evaluation.
Recruitment benchmark
The purpose of the survey is to understand the recruitment market.
Participating companies can benchmark their recruitment efforts with other companies in recruitment market. They can benchmark against industry average (if we have several companies from the same industry) and/or country average with different size companies.
The survey is annual.
Contact us if you want to participate in the Recruitment benchmark Survey 2019.
Employer Brand Image survey
The external employer brand image survey is custom-made in cooperation with the employer brand team in the company. We offer a set of relevant questions for the industry and the type of organization, among which the employer can choose the number and type of questions they want to include in the survey. The survey is conducted among the target audience that the company decides is of interest – it can be more general or more specific depending on the purpose of the survey and the needs of the employer. We analyse the results and provide a detailed report, then conduct a meeting with the organization team to discuss the conclusions.