АББ (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) е технологичен лидер, задвижващ дигиталната трансформация на промишлеността.
С история на иновации от над 130 години, АББ разполага с четири ориентирани към клиента и водещи в световен мащаб бизнес направления: “Продукти за електроснабдяване и електрообзавеждане”, “Индустриална автоматизация”, “Задвижване” и “Роботика § Автоматизация и дискретни процеси”, поддържани от дигиталната платформа на компанията – ABB Ability™.
Бизнес направлението на АББ “Енергийни мрежи” ще бъде продадено на “Хитачи” през 2020 г. АББ развива дейност в над 100 държави и разполага с около 147 000 служители.
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За Uwe Tshirner
Uwe Tschirner
Born in: Eberbach a.N./Germany Age: 54 years Live in: Sofia / Bulgaria Material status: Married, 1 child
Work for ABB since: Okt. 1986 Brief career flow:
09.2016 – present Branch Manager ABB Bulgaria, Branch Rakovski
08.2012 – 08.2016 Manufacturing Unit Manager ABB Indonesia , Jakarta
2010 – 08.2012 Factory Manager ABB Argentina, Bella Vista – Tucuman
2005 – 2010 Executive Manager Automation ABB Romania, Bucharest
2002 – 2005 General Manager BGCON ABB Control, Bulgaria, Petrich
1989 – 2002 Process Engineer at DESTO ABB Stotz Kontakt, Germany , Heidelberg
1986 – 1989 Study: Mechanical Engineer Dual University Mannheim
Favorite Food: BBQ , Asian Hobbies: Travelling, Scuba-diving, sailing, snowboard,
Mountain biking
Since 17 years I keep on moving for ABB together with my family around the world. We appreciate the experience of living and working in differ- ent Regions and Cultures, as well as the chance for our daughter to grow up in such an international environment.
Uwe Tshirner:
Dear future Talent,
I would be happy to share my experience with you related to career opportunities in ABB and what does it mean for your personal development and your family to work and live in different region & cultures in the world.
Global mobility, diversity & inclusion, international experiences are very important pillars for your career, if you consider to work in the future for an international corporate like ABB.
Looking forward to meet you!
Uwe Tschirner
*To take part in the competition for lunch with Uwe Tshirner, please provide your answers in English.